Advanced control based feedback devices are important for sustainable renewable energy systems. Specifically, they can guarantee safe working conditions of the platform subject to various forms of environmental loads like wind and seismic wave. This work proposes sustainable energy chargers such as solar panels to charge the semi-active damper to eliminate the dependency on constant power sources, that will cut down the installation, operational, and maintenance costs for the control systems. The present paper focuses to develop semi-active magnetorheological (MR) damper control systems to obtain the controlled response of structures subject to seismic loads and optimize the power requirement of the control systems. A novel control algorithm with a new semi-active control algorithm consisting of Linear Quadratic Gaussian algorithm will be developed for performance improvement of solar panel charged control system. The efficiency of the proposed sustainably charged damper in reducing vibration responses of the structures is investigated considering the optimum location of the MR damper. The performance of the sustainable green energy harvesting mechanism along with proposed optimal control performance during excitation is evaluated. It may be noted here that use of conventional electricity is totally avoided from the consideration of energies using green technology.