Personalized medicines connect a new frontier for developing customizable therapeutic formulations that consider an individual's genetic composition, medical history, and physiology. Precision medicines have acquired a foothold in the pharmaceutical sector thanks for incorporating revolutionary 3D printing technology. Compared to conventional methods, 3D printing permits rapid manufacturing, design, and bioprinting. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are enticed to construct compositions via layer-by-layer deposition of a predefined adaptable polymer in various geometries, thicknesses, release profiles, and customizable designs. As this unified, innovative technology progresses, the optimized patient-centric medical devices, prostheses, and implants must adhere to regulatory norms and requirements to proceed to the marketplace. This review explores the fundamentals of 3D printing before expanding on to the methods and strategies. The central beam of light is put on the rationale for personalized medicines. Applications of 3D printing integrated customized delivery and devices include dose personalization, multidrug composition, modified release system, medical implants, and particular demographic-specific customization. Finally, a few hurdles and regulatory perspectives of 3D printing in developing tailored medications are discussed.