Ingo Steinbrück,Alanna Ebigbo,Armin Kuellmer,Arthur Schmidt,Konstantinos Kouladouros,Markus Brand,Teresa Koenen,Viktor Rempel,Andreas Wannhoff,Siegbert Faiss,Oliver Pech,O Möschler,Franz Ludwig Dumoulin,Martha M. Kirstein,Thomas von Hahn,H.D. Allescher,Stefan Gölder,Martín Götz,Stephan Hollerbach,B. Lewerenz,Alexander Meining,Helmut Messmann,Thomas Rösch,Hans-Peter Allgaier
Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is standard therapy for nonpedunculated colorectal polyps ≥20 mm. It has been suggested recently that polyp resection without current (cold resection) may be superior to the standard technique using cutting/coagulation current (hot resection) by reducing adverse events (AEs), but evidence from a randomized trial is missing.