This study investigates the microplastics (MPs) pollution of the lacustrine ecosystems of Tamil Nadu, South India. It examines the seasonal distribution, characteristics and morphology of MPs and assesses the risk posed by MPs pollution. MPs abundance in the 39 rural and urban lakes studied varies from 16 ± 2.69 to 118.17 ± 22.17 items/L (water) and 19.50 ± 4.75 to 156.23 ± 36.41 items/kg (sediment). The water and sediment of urban lakes show average MPs abundances of 88.06 items/L and 115.24 items/kg respectively, while the rural lakes exhibit average MPs abundances of 42.98 items/L and 53.29 items/kg. The results demonstrate that study areas with more residential and urban centers with higher population density and larger discharge of sewage have greater MP abundance. Urban zones have greater MP diversity integrated index (MPDII = 0.73) than rural zones (MPDII = 0.59). Fibres are the dominant group and polyethylene and polypropylene are the most commonly found polymers, possibly gaining entry through land-based plastic litter and urban activities in this region. The weathering index values, 50 % of MPs exhibit high degree of oxidation (WI >0.31) with an age of >10 years. SEM-EDAX results reveal that the weathered MPs from urban lakes have a wider variety of metal elements (Al, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Hg, Pb and Cd) than those from rural lakes (Na, Cl, Si, Mg, Al, Cu). Though PLI shows low risk (<10) in terms of abundance, PHI reflects pollution status III (10-100) and IV (100-1000) in rural areas and IV and V (>1000) in urban areas based on the toxicity score of the polymer. Ecological risk assessment shows minor risks (<150) at present. The assessment indicates the risk posed by the MPs to the lakes studied and emphasizes the necessity for best MP management practices in future.