The dynamic characteristics of gear systems are affected by the sliding friction and time-varying pressure angle. In the previous studies, the sliding friction is usually neglected for simplification, while the pressure angle is always considered as a constant. Therefore, the coupling effect between the sliding friction and pressure angle is not considered. In view of this, a new six degrees-of-freedom model for spur gear systems is proposed. The sliding friction and time-varying pressure angle are emphasized in this model. The differential equations of motion are derived using Lagrange’s equation. The Runge–Kutta numerical integration algorithm is applied to gain dynamic response. The proposed model is somewhat more realistic compared to previous models. Furthermore, parametric studies are carried out to reveal the effects of friction coefficient and equivalent shaft-bearing stiffness (directly related to translational motion and time-varying pressure angle). The coupling effect between the sliding friction and pressure angle is verified not only by the mathematical model but also by the dynamic response. The results reveal that both friction coefficient and equivalent shaft-bearing stiffness affect the contact ratio and pressure angle and lead to distinctive dynamic responses. This research can provide a foundation for further study and be used as a reference for gear system design and vibration prediction.