While highly efficient red-emitting inorganic phosphors have been discovered in the substance class of alkaline earth oxo(nitrido)lithoaluminates, new narrow-band green- and yellow-emitting components are being sought to improve the performance of phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes (pc-LEDs). Various solid-state reactions were carried out under protective gas atmosphere in nickel crucibles and sealed tantalum ampules to synthesize Sr[Li3AlO4], Sr[Li3GaO4], and five substitutional derivates of Sr[Li3(Al1–xGax)O4] at moderate temperatures. The observation of a linear increase in the unit cell parameters as a function of the increasing gallium mole fraction x in Sr[Li3(Al1–xGax)O4] revealed Vegard behavior in the solid-solution series, which was derived from powder X-ray diffraction data. The isomorphic crystallization of the new oxolithogallate Sr[Li3GaO4] and the known oxolithoaluminate Sr[Li3AlO4] in an ordered variant of the U[Cr4C4] aristotype was verified on the basis of powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Photoluminescence spectroscopy was used to investigate the narrow-band emissions in the substitution series of Eu2+-activated Sr[Li3(Al1–xGax)O4] under blue-light excitation. The emission maximum was shifted to higher energies as the gallium mole fraction increased. Peak wavelengths were observed at λem = 572 nm (fwhm equals 47 nm, 1446 cm–1, 0.18 eV) for yellow-emitting Sr[Li3AlO4]:Eu2+ and at λem = 554 nm (fwhm equals 49 nm, 1589 cm–1, 0.20 eV) for green-emitting Sr[Li3GaO4]:Eu2+. Sr[Li3AlO4]:Eu2+ has excellent thermal quenching resistance with a photoluminescence emission intensity of >93% at T = 423 K relative to the room temperature value, making this inorganic phosphor a potential candidate for solid-state lighting applications.