The wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) process often begins printing on a substrate. In some cases, the substrate could act as a functional part of the WAAM-fabricated parts. In this work, ER70S-6 is directly deposited onto a 316L substrate using the WAAM process. Microstructural studies reveal good fusion and bonding at the interface. Due to the dilution of ER70S-6 and 316L, a gradient change in composition and microstructure was observed in the first six layers. The first layer (Fe-10Cr-5.5Ni-1Mo-1Mn) and the second layer (Fe-4Cr-2Ni-1Mn-0.5Mo) exhibit a bainite microstructure. Ferritic grains were observed from the third layer onwards. The microhardness is high at 336.9 ± 6.3 HV for the first layer and 302.7 ± 5.7 HV for the second layer. A decrease in microhardness was observed with the increase of the building layer until layer six. The yield strength is 356.6 MPa and the UTS is 502.3 MPa for the 316L/ER70S-6 bimetal joint. The digital image correlation (DIC) method is used to analyse the deformation behaviour. During the tensile test, the 316L substrate side yields first, and then the deformation shifts to the ER70S-6 side. This study also holds the potential for the development of novel alloys.