Evaluation of the Luminex xTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel and the Savyon Diagnostics Gastrointestinal Infection Panel for the detection of enteric pathogens in clinical samples
Infectious gastrointestinal disease is caused by a diverse array of pathogens, and is a challenging syndrome to correctly diagnose and manage. Conventional laboratory diagnostic methods are often time-consuming and frequently suffer from low detection rates. Two commercial multiplex nucleic acid amplification tests [Luminex xTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel (GPP) and Savyon Diagnostics Gastrointestinal Infection Panel (GIP)] were applied to 1000 stored diarrhoeal clinical stool samples. The Luminex xTAG GPP and Savyon GIP detected Campylobacter in 42/44 and 44/44 culture-positive samples, Salmonella in 4/4 and 3/4 culture-positive samples, Shigella in 1/1 culture-positive sample, Clostridium difficile toxin in 32/35 ELISA-positive samples, and Giardia in 6/6 wet-preparation-microscopy-positive samples, respectively. When the Luminex GPP assay was used concurrently with conventional methods for 472 clinical samples, it detected Campylobacter in 22/22 culture-positive samples, Salmonella in 1/1 culture-positive sample, Clostridium difficile toxin in 14/14 ELISA-positive samples and Giardia in 4/4 wet-preparation-microscopy-positive samples. The pathogen/toxin detection rate for conventional methods in both sample sets was <10%. The Luminex xTAG GPP detection rate was 24.8% in the stored samples and 32.6% in the concurrently tested samples. The Savyon GIP detection rate was 22.5%. From stored samples, 2.4% of Luminex xTAG GPP detections and 3.1% of Savyon GIP detections could not be confirmed using alternative nucleic acid amplification tests. Enhanced detection rates resulted from increased detection of pathogens routinely sought using conventional methods and were also due to ascertainment of micro-organisms that current testing strategies do not diagnose. Use of multiplex nucleic acid amplification tests will allow clinical laboratories to diagnose infectious gastroenteritis in more patients with diarrhoeal disease by increasing the sensitivity of pathogen detection and by reducing the selective bias of current strategies. The clinical and economic impact of these results warrants further investigation.