Here we describe our unprecedented approach in proposing parsley as a nutraceutical intervention in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) via multi-omics evaluation using dextran sodium sulphate (DSS)-induced colitis. Seven-week-old male C57BL/6J mice were fed either 2% parsley or basal diet and drank normal-drinking-water for 1 week after which colitis was induced by administering 1.5% (w/v) DSS-drinking-water for 9 days. Parsley supplementation significantly improved colon shortening and increased disease activity index. Colonic transcriptome revealed down-regulation of inflammatory cytokines, hepatic transcriptome and metabolome revealed up-regulation of fatty-acid synthesis genes, thereby improving body weight loss. Down-regulated cancer markers were observed in the hepatic transcriptome and proteome. Plasma metabolite analysis indicated shifts in the citric and urea cycle, implicating improved impaired glycolysis and oxidative stress. Parsley's role in preventing against IBD was highlighted by this pioneering multi-integrated-omics which is expected to be useful and informative, and shape the future of nutraceutical and functional food research.