To investigate the semi-transparent building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) modules on facades a systematic study has been performed using ordeal room. The BIPV modules are prepared with different cell coverage ratios of 0.69 and 0.77. The investigations have been performed at the location for which the local latitude is 9°10′0″N, 77°52′0″E. The measured solar radiations over horizontal surfaces vary from 250 to 1000 W/m2. The various parameters of the modules with respect to the incident solar radiations, such as power generation, solar heat gain and temperature of the cells, have been studied for various orientations of the modules and reported. On observation it has been noted that the power generation in east orientation is higher, however in the view of other parameters the south orientation has been suggested. The BIPV modules reduce the cooling load by minimizing the heat gain by the room in comparison with conventional double clear glass windows. With respect to the power generation, and thermal performances, the module with lower cell coverage ratio is found to be better than the other one. In addition it has been estimated that 0.4 kW power could be saved in cooling load during peak sunshine hours.