The concept of learning style is immensely popular despite the lack of evidence showing that learning style influences performance. This study tested the hypothesis that the popularity of learning style is maintained because it is associated with subjective aspects of learning, such as judgements of learning ( JOL s). Preference for verbal and visual information was assessed using the revised Verbalizer‐Visualizer Questionnaire ( VVQ ). Then, participants studied a list of word pairs and a list of picture pairs, making JOL s (immediate, delayed, and global) while studying each list. Learning was tested by cued recall. The results showed that higher VVQ verbalizer scores were associated with higher immediate JOL s for words, and higher VVQ visualizer scores were associated with higher immediate JOL s for pictures. There was no association between VVQ scores and recall or JOL accuracy. As predicted, learning style was associated with subjective aspects of learning but not objective aspects of learning.