Introducing a negative preswirl at the upstream of annular gas seals has been considered as an effective way to improve the system stability. This paper demonstrates a stability enhancement approach for a short labyrinth seal using positive preswirls. The static and dynamic characteristics of the labyrinth seal with various blade numbers (5, 10, 15), inlet preswirl ratios (–0.3, –0.15, 0, 0.15, 0.3) were studied. Results show that the inlet preswirl ratio has a dramatic effect on the circumferential location of the high-pressure spot for each seal cavity, particularly for the first cavity. The inlet preswirl ratio has opposite effects on the system stability due to the difference of high-pressure spot locations between the first cavity and the others. An increasing positive inlet preswirl could improve the system stability for the labyrinth seal with fewer blades (e.g. 5 blades). Its characteristics is mainly dominated by the first seal cavity. For the labyrinth seal with 10 blades, the system characteristics shows slight dependency on the inlet preswirl ratio. For the labyrinth seal with more blades (e.g. 15 blades), the negative inlet preswirl still increases the system stability, which agrees with the conventional conclusion. The paper provides a deeper understanding on the stability improvement of the labyrinth seal.