In this work, to maximize the unique attributes of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) for excellent microwave absorption, the ultralight RGO aerogels with improved dispersion and interface polarization performance were fabricated via a facile cation-assisted hydrothermal treatment process. The prepared RGO/paraffin composite exhibits excellent microwave absorption (MA) performance in a wideband frequency range of 8.0 ∼ 18.0 GHz with an ultralow absorbent content of 0.5 wt.%. Such performance is comparable with most previously reported results on RGO-based composites but required much higher absorbent content. The mechanisms for the enhancement of polarization relaxation loss and conductive loss were investigated in detail. This study provides a promising and facile method for preparing RGO-based excellent microwave absorption materials with ultra-low filler content, which is significant for designing efficient MA absorbers.