Previously described empiricahelations between the design rules and the past trends of the smallest size㎝d number of particles,warpage,LTV(Local Thickness Variation),OSF(Oxidation-induced Stacking Fault density)and sheet resistance deviation capable of causing a scrapping die are discussed with theoretical considerations for DRAM(Dynamic Rξmdom Access Memory),gate amy devices md microprocessorunit devices。Underthe assumption thatthese trends will condnue to the generation ofthe smallest design-rule transistor operating at room temperature, the target wafer specifications and future technicahssues arepredicted. 1.lntroduction The sustained rate of advance of semiconductor industry requires moreprecisely-controlled equipment and highlyspecified materialsl), thereby the semiconductorindustry faces lowerretum-oninvestments due to the higher cost ofproducts against their market prices.To solve the problem,all specifications of equipment and materials should be reviewed to ehminate over-or extra-specified items, From such viewpoints,conceming the starting material silicon-wafer specif量cadons, the author described previously the major items chosen among the conventional full specifications w量th a deployment of LSI quality functions to the wafer specification items2),These efforts contribute to reducing