OBJECTIVE To optimize the process of extracting flavonoids from Smilax glabra. METHODS Flavonoids were extracted from Smilax glabra by microwave-assisted method, and the extracting time, microwave power, ethanol concentration, solid-solvent ratio and extracting temperature were optimized through single factor experiment and orthogonal test. RESULTS The optimun process parameters of extracting flavonoids were as follows: the extracting time, microwave power, ethanol concentration, solid-liquid ratio and extracting temperature were 5 minutes, 600 W, 60%, 1:30 and 80 degrees C, respectively. CONCLUSION The proposed method has been applied stably and reliably to the extraction of flavonoids from Smilax glabra which has the advantages of high recovery and short extraction time. The recovery, the yield and the content of falvonoids are 93.2%, 2.66% and 32.6%, respectively.