Study Design Data collection of radiological parameters in non-pathological adult spines. Objectives Establishing a baseline database for measurements of the spinal lordosis ratio between upper and lower arcs of the lumbar spine unique to each type of spine described by Roussouly’s classification. Illustrating the importance of correct rationing of the upper and lower arcs. Methods Standardised standing true lateral plain radiographs of the spine (including base of skull and proximal femurs) from 373 adult volunteers were obtained. Exclusion criteria : any history of disease involving the spine, pelvis, hips or lower limbs. Incidental detection of any spinal deformity on radiography also excluded further participation in this study. Sacro-pelvic parameters data collected : Pelvic Incidence (PI), Pelvic Tilt (PT), Sacral Slope (SS), location of Inflection Point, number of vertebras in the spinal lordosis and type of Roussouly’s spine. Values of upper arc, lower arc and spinal lordosis ratio (SLR) was determined. Results Bivariate analysis revealed statistically significant ( P < .0001) correlation between the types of sagittal spinal alignments based on Roussouly’s classification and the SLR. Type 1: SLR .76 ± .17, Type 2: SLR .60 ± .18, Type 3 with anteverted pelvis: SLR .53 ± .11, Type 3: SLR .49 ± .12, Type4: SLR .41 ± .11. Conclusion With this data we are able to quantify the ratio of lumbar lordosis unique to each type of Roussouly’s spine. It functions as a guide when planning lumbar spine surgeries in order to restore the SLR correctly and thus prevent post-op complications such as proximal junction kyphosis.