Abstract The hardware implementation of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology based on complex deep learning and machine learning algorithms is constricted by the limitation of conventional Von–Neuman architecture. Emerging neuromorphic computing architecture based on the human brain with in‐memory computing capability could instigate unprecedented breakthroughs in AI technology. In this pursuit, 2D MoS 2 optoelectronic artificial synapse imitating complex biological neuromorphic behavior such as short/long‐term memory, paired‐pulse facilitation, and long‐term depression‐potentiation is proposed and demonstrated. Furthermore, the broadband sensitivity of the device can be utilized to emulate Pavlov's classical conditioning for associative learning of the biological brain. More importantly, reconfigurable Boolean AND and OR logic gate operation is demonstrated within the same device by synergistically modulating the device conductance via the persistent photoconductivity and electrical gate stress. The linear response of the photocurrent to the optical stimulus can perform arithmetic operations such as counting, addition, and subtraction within a single device. This novel integration of memory, synaptic behavior, and processing within a single monolayer MoS 2 device is believed to put forth a new horizon for the Non‐Von–Neuman type in‐memory computing architecture for highly advanced AI applications based on 2D materials.