Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are currently one of the widely used pesticides, as being considered to have relatively low toxicity compared with other pesticides. However, widespread use may lead to overexposure from multiple sources. Exposure to PGRs is associated with different toxicity that affects many organs in our body, such as the toxicity to testis, ovaries, liver, kidneys and brain. In addition, some PGRs are considered potential endocrine disrupting chemicals. Evidence exists for development and reproductive toxicity associated with prenatal and postnatal exposure in both animals and humans. PGRs can affect the synthesis and secretion of sex hormones, destroy the structure and function of the reproductive system, and harm the growth and development of offspring, which may be related to germ cell cycle disorders, apoptosis and oxidative stress. This review summaries the reproductive and developmental toxicity data available about PGRs in mammals. In the future, conducting comprehensive epidemiological studies will be crucial for assessing the reproductive and developmental toxicity resulting from a mixture of various PGRs, with a particular emphasis on understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms.