Designing a dental crown is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Our goal is to simplify crown design and minimize the tediousness of making manual adjustments while still ensuring the highest level of accuracy and consistency. To this end, we present a new end-to-end deep learning approach, coined Dental Mesh Completion (DMC), to generate a crown mesh conditioned on a point cloud context. The dental context includes the tooth prepared to receive a crown and its surroundings, namely the two adjacent teeth and the three closest teeth in the opposing jaw. We formulate crown generation in terms of completing this point cloud context. A feature extractor first converts the input point cloud into a set of feature vectors that represent local regions in the point cloud. The set of feature vectors is then fed into a transformer to predict a new set of feature vectors for the missing region (crown). Subsequently, a point reconstruction head, followed by a multi-layer perceptron, is used to predict a dense set of points with normals. Finally, a differentiable point-to-mesh layer serves to reconstruct the crown surface mesh. We compare our DMC method to a graph-based convolutional neural network which learns to deform a crown mesh from a generic crown shape to the target geometry. Extensive experiments on our dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which attains an average of 0.062 Chamfer Distance. The code is available at: