Nonthermal biocompatible plasma (NBP) is a promising option for improving medication absorption into the human skin. Currently, most plasma devices for cosmetics employ a floating-electrode plasma source for treating the skin. Human skin serves as the ground electrode in the floating-electrode plasma discharge, and discharge occurs between the skin and electrodes of the device. In this in vitro study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of NBP on the skin permeation of niacinamide. We have quantified the transdermal absorption rates of niacinamide in both untreated skin and skin treated with NBP for a duration of 10 s. The absorption of niacinamide for both without and with NBP treatment was observed until 12 h incubation time. Without plasma treatment, the human skin exhibited stable and low transdermal absorption of niacinamide up to 12 h. However, the NBP treatment significantly increased the transdermal absorption of niacinamide from 0.5 h to 6 h and continuously increased skin penetration over a duration of more than 12 h incubation period. The obtained results suggest that NBP-treated human skin showed a 60-fold higher penetration rate than non-treated skin. The increased penetration rate of niacinamide can be mainly attributed to plasmaporation subsequent to NBP treatment. The findings of this study demonstrate that NBP treatment results in remarkable skin permeability, making it a promising candidate for both cosmetic and pharmaceutical delivery applications.