Venturi is one of industrial water treatment systems’ most commonly used microbubble generator devices. This researchfocuses on the effect of porous Aluminumon the performance of the microbubble generator. Simulations were carried out using a 2-dimensional model, at various water velocities, air velocities, and porosity values. Various air and water velocities were tested. In this study, the venturi was tested with several variations of aluminium porosity, namely 10, 20, and 40 PPI. Pressure drop in porous material flow is calculated using the Forchheimer equation. The parameters that were used to determine the performance of the microbubble generator were hydraulic power and bubble generating efficiency. The results show that the microbubble generator’s performance, such as the bubble generating efficiency, increases with increasing porosity, air, and water velocity. Furthermore, hydraulic power decreases if there is a decrease in air velocity, water velocity, and porosity, The flow structure shows that there are many wave patterns at the water-air interface as the water velocity and air velocity increase.