Autoproducts are quadratic or higher products of frequency-domain acoustic fields that can mimic genuine fields at frequencies within or outside the original field's bandwidth. Past studies have found a variety of interesting autoproduct properties but have been limited to quadratic autoproducts. This paper presents cubic autoproduct theory and documents how noise suppression may be attained with the cubic frequency-difference autoproduct, a product of three frequency-domain acoustic fields. The cubic autoproduct's field equations, developed from the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation, and analytical results in single- and two-path environments justify interpretating the cubic autoproduct as a pseudofield and underscore its similarities to the quadratic autoproducts. For nonzero field bandwidth, many frequency triplets satisfy the relationship for a single cubic autoproduct frequency. Thus, bandwidth averaging can lead to serendipitous noise suppression and is shown herein to facilitate field-phase-structure recovery from ideal free space fields corrupted by Gaussian noise. Cubic-autoproduct-based direction of arrival (DOA) estimation using signal and noise recordings collected in the ocean are found to be more accurate than conventional DOA estimates from the same data. In particular, cubic autoproduct results showed a 3-5 dB noise suppression advantage for 4- and 6-kHz direct- and reflected-path sounds broadcast 200 m to a four-element receiving array.