Subepithelial connective tissue or free gingival grafts are often used in traditional mucogingival surgery to treat gingival recession and keratinized gingival insufficiency. However, due to the disadvantages of autologous soft tissue grafts, such as the preparation of the second surgical site, the limited amount of tissue in the donor site, and postoperative discomfort for patients, the research on autologous soft tissue substitute materials has attracted extensive attention. A variety of donor-substitute materials from different sources are currently used in membranous gingival surgeries, including platelet-rich fibrin, acellular dermal matrix, xenogeneic collagen matrix, etc. This paper reviews the research progress and application of several different types of substitute materials in soft tissue augmentation for natural teeth, providing a reference for the application of autologous soft tissue substitutes in clinical gingival augmentation surgery.传统的膜龈手术中常使用上皮下结缔组织或游离龈移植治疗牙龈退缩和角化龈不足,但由于自体软组织移植瓣存在需要开辟第二术区、供区组织量有限和患者术后不适明显等缺点,自体软组织替代材料的研究受到广泛关注。目前多种不同来源的供体替代材料应用于膜龈手术中,包括富血小板纤维蛋白、脱细胞真皮基质及异种胶原基质等。本文就目前应用的几种类型的自体软组织替代材料在天然牙软组织增量中的应用及研究进展作一综述,以期为临床牙龈增量手术中自体软组织替代物的应用提供参考。.