Preparation of a Three-Dimensional Composite Structure Based on a Periodic Au@Ag Core–Shell Nanocube with Ultrasensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering for Rapid Detection
The absorption and scattering frequencies of surface plasmon resonance can be selectively adjusted by changing the morphology, size, structure, arrangement, and gap between noble metal nanoparticles so that the local electromagnetic field on the substrate surface can be further enhanced. This change will promote and popularize surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. This paper reports the research results and improvement scheme of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity of silver-coated gold nanocubed/organism (Au@Ag/CW NCs) prepared by three-phase self-assembly. In the experiment, the uppermost oil phase in the three-phase self-assembly process was optimized as ethanol and n-hexane solution containing a specific concentration of a probe molecule rhodamine 6G or aspartame. The probe molecules were directly self-assembled on the surface of the composite substrate to avoid the possible loss and pollution during immersion and preservation and achieve the purpose of rapid detection. The results show that the Au@Ag/CW NC array substrate is a periodic cubic ring structure. The sensitivity, uniformity, reproducibility, and stability of composite Au@Ag/CW NC array substrates are verified by comparing the Raman activities of various substrates. The feasibility of using the substrate to realize rapid SERS detection, compared with the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional soaking method, proved that the prepared substrate and improvement direction have excellent potential for application and development prospects in the field of rapid food additive detection.