New approach to recycle and valorize the first filtrate of the LignoForce system™: Lignin extraction and its use in rigid lignin-based polyurethane foams
In this work, we report on the fractionation, recovery and characterization of softwood kraft lignin from the first filtrate of the LignoForce™ process. It is estimated that the lignin content in this stream could be >20-30 % of the lignin present initially in the black liquor. The use of a membrane filtration system was experimentally validated as an effective method for fractionating the first filtrate. Two membranes with different nominal molecular weight cut-offs (4000 and 250 Da) were tested. Higher lignin retention and recovery was obtained using the 250-Da membrane. This lignin (lignin_250) was found also to have a lower molecular weight and a tighter molecular weight distribution compared to the lignin obtained using the 4000-Da membrane (lignin_4000). The lignin_250 was characterized for it's hydroxyl group content and used to produce polyurethane (PU) foams. Up to 30 wt% petroleum-based polyol replacement by lignin_250, the resulting lignin-based PU (LBPU) foams presented the same thermal conductivity as the control (0.0303 W/m.K (control) vs 0.029 W/m.K (30 wt%)), as well as comparable mechanical (max stress: 145.8 kPa (control) vs 222.7 KPa (30 wt%), modulus 64.3 kPa (control) vs 75.1 (30 wt%)) and morphological properties to the petroleum polyol-based PU foams.