Bioinspired Luminescent HOF‐Based Foam as Ultrafast and Ultrasensitive Pressure and Acoustic Bimodal Sensor for Human–Machine Interactive Object and Information Recognition
Bionic sensors have extensively served smart robots, medical equipment, and flexible wearable devices. The luminescent pressure-acoustic bimodal sensor can be treated as a remarkable, multifunctional, integrated bionic device. Here, a blue-emitting hydrogen-bonded organic framework (HOF-TTA) as luminogen combines with melamine foam (MF), generating the flexible and elastic HOF-TTA@MF (1 and 2) as a pressure-auditory bimodal sensor. In the luminescent pressure sensing process, 1 has excellent maximum sensitivity (132.02 kPa-1 ), low minimum detection limit (0.0 1333 Pa), fast response time (20 ms), high precision and great recyclability. 2 as a luminescent auditory sensor exhibits the highest response to the 520 Hz sound at 255-1453 Hz. In the process of sensing sound at 520 Hz, 2 possesses high sensitivity (1 648 441.3 cps Pa-1 cm-2 ), low detection limit (0.36 dB) and ultrafast response time (10 ms) within 11.47-91.77 dB. The sensing mechanisms toward pressure and auditory are analyzed in detail by finite element simulation. Furthermore, 1 and 2, as a human-machine interactive bimodal sensor, can recognize nine different objects and word information of "Health", "Phone", and "TongJi" with high accuracy and strong robustness. This work provides a facile fabricated method of luminescent HOF-based pressure-auditory bimodal sensors and endows them with new recognition functions and dimensions.