AbstractMutant Peptide eXtractor and Informer (MuPeXI), by Bjerregaard et al. (Cancer Immunol Immunother CII 66:1123–1130, 2017), is a program which identifies tumor-specific peptides and assesses their potential to be neoepitopes. MuPeXI takes as input a VCF file and a list of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types and optionally a gene expression profile to assess a peptide’s potential to be a neoepitope. MuPeXI can be downloaded and run both locally and on a web server. Here, we describe a pipeline for processing the input data so that it can be used for MuPeXI and how to run MuPeXI both locally and as a web server.Key wordsNeoepitopesNeoantigensVariant callingImmunotherapyMutationSequencingPrediction