Histological image classification plays a crucial role in cancer diagnosis. However, the acquisition of well-labeled histological images is prohibitively expensive, and obtaining rare abnormal samples is challenging. Therefore, applying few-shot learning methods to histological image classification tasks holds significant clinical value. Nevertheless, existing research predom-inantly relies on coarse-grained image classification approaches based on natural image datasets, which struggle to address the fine-grained challenges encountered in histological image classification, such as intra-class diversity and inter-class similarity. To tackle this issue, this study proposes a novel few-shot fine-grained classification method for histological images, named “Category-Aware Feature Map Reconstruction Network.” This method employs channel weights to localize the differences between inter-class and intra-class regions, composed of intra-class channel weights and inter-class channel weights, collectively referred to as category-aware weights. Specifically, intra-class channel weights indicate the matching degree of salient regions within the support set of a particular class, while inter-class channel weights represent the degree of containing distinct information between classes. The category-aware weights are utilized to transform the support feature maps and query feature maps, generating feature maps that capture differentiating details between categories. Finally, the distance between the transformed query feature map and support feature map is calculated to achieve probabilistic predictions for the categories. On a histological few-shot dataset, this method achieves an accuracy of 90.23% using ResNet-12 as the feature extractor, surpassing the baseline model by 5.24% and outperforming other few-shot methods by at least 10% in the 5-way 10-shot experimental setting. The proposed method exhibits exceptional performance on histological image few-shot datasets, playing a vital role in more accurate and pathologist-independent cancer diagnosis.