Abstract Combined with other materials and device improvements, Si anodes can provide a step change in Lithium‐ion battery properties, enabling cell energy density to exceed 400 Wh kg −1 . Freestanding, large‐area anodes of 100% Si produced by a slurry‐free method without carbon or binders are introduced. Their structure, a dense network of interconnected high aspect ratio Si nanowires (Si NWs), is analogous to a nanotextile and provides handling like paper. In conventional liquid electrolytes, the anode capacity is 2500 mAh g −1 at high mass loadings (e.g., 6.6 mAh cm −2 ), and cycling stability is 76% after 200 deep cycles, and 100% after 1800 cycles when cycled at 1000 mAh g −1 . The nanowire network structure reduces junction resistance between particles and prevents any pulverization upon cycling. Combined impedance and composition‐selective electron microscopy demonstrate that capacity fading is exclusively through the progressive increase of SEI thickness and resistance. Full cell capacity with NMC811 translates into an energy density of 420 Wh kg −1 at the true cell level.