Agro waste was collected from street vegetable and fruit vendors from Karad street markets (fruit peel samples and vegetables). All the agro wastes samples were subjected to fermentation and preparation of media. After observation of the results, it was clear that both fungi - Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp. showed excellent growth on all the waste media prepared. The Fermented Banana waste medium and Fermented Cabbage waste medium proved to be the most effective for the growth of E.coli, Micrococcus sp. and Bacillus sp. The 3% concentrated fermented fruit and vegetable waste were found to give satisfactory results for the germination of groundnut seeds. Amongst all the media prepared, Fermented Banana waste, Fermented Cabbage waste and Fermented Banana + Chikoo waste were most effective and supported germination of Groundnut seeds. The Fermented Banana waste and Fermented Banana + Chikoo waste gave rise to shoot formation. It was evident that Fermented Cabbage waste media and Fermented Banana waste media gave excellent results for Bacteria and fungi and micropropagation of groundnut seeds. The present study has revealed that the fermented fruit peel waste and vegetable waste materials contain minerals and nutrients that can meet the nutritional requirements of industrially important fungi, bacteria and plants. Thus, agrowastes can be utilized as an alternative materials in the formulation of culture media for microorganisms and plants and they are less expensive