This work proposes a machine-learning or artificial intelligence (AI) control of a low-drag Ahmed body with a rear slant angle φ = 35° with a view to finding strategies for efficient drag reduction ( DR ). The Reynolds number Re investigated is 1.7 × 10 5 based on the square root of the body cross-sectional area. The control system comprises of five independently operated arrays of steady microjets blowing along the edges of the rear window and vertical base, twenty-six pressure taps on the rear end of the body and a controller based on an ant colony algorithm for unsupervised learning of a near-optimal control law. The cost function is designed such that both DR and control power input are considered. The learning process of the AI control discovers forcing that produces a DR up to 18 %, corresponding to a drag coefficient reduction of 0.06, greatly exceeding any previously reported DR for this body. Furthermore, the discovered forcings may provide alternative solutions, i.e. a tremendously increased control efficiency given a small sacrifice in DR . Extensive flow measurements performed with and without control indicate significant alterations in the flow structure around the body, such as flow separation over the rear window, recirculation bubbles and C-pillar vortices, which are linked to the pressure rise on the window and base. The physical mechanism for DR is unveiled, along with a conceptual model for the altered flow structure under the optimum control or biggest DR . This mechanism is further compared with that under the highest control efficiency.