The contours of 6G -- its key technical components and driving requirements -- are finally coming into focus. Through twenty questions and answers, this article defines the important aspects of 6G across four categories. First, we identify the key themes and forces driving the development of 6G, and what will make 6G unique. We argue that 6G requirements and system design will be driven by (i) the tenacious pursuit of spectral (bits/Hz/area), energy (bits/Joule), and cost (bits/dollar) efficiencies, and (ii) three new service enhancements: sensing/localization/awareness, compute, and global broadband/emergency connectivity. Second, we overview the important role of spectrum in 6G, what new spectrum to expect in 6G, and outline how the different bands will be used to provide 6G services. Third, we focus our attention on the 6G physical layer, including waveforms, MIMO advancements, and the potential use of deep learning. Finally, we explore how global connectivity will be achieved in 6G, through non-terrestrial networks as well as low-cost network expansion via disaggregation and O-RAN. Although 6G standardization activities will not begin until late 2025, meaning this article is by definition speculative, our predictions are informed by several years of intensive research and discussions. Our goal is to provide a grounded perspective that will be helpful to both researchers and engineers as we move into the 6G era.