One-step purification of acetylene (C2H2) from carbon dioxide (CO2) using CO2-selective adsorbents is urgently needed but strategically challenging due to their similar physicochemical properties. In this work, we designed a series of isostructural flexible porous coordination polymers (PCPs) modulating the gate-opening pressure for C2H2 through linker substitution, preserving high CO2 uptake at low pressure, and enabling a customizable inverse selectivity of CO2/C2H2. By exploring both pillar and capping ligand substitutions, we found that pillar-ligand substitution in the PCPs allows rational control of the gate-opening behavior for C2H2 to achieve highly selective adsorption of CO2 while discriminating C2H2, achieving high CO2/C2H2 uptake ratio (8.5) and selectivity (232.5), which are comparable to other benchmark materials. Furthermore, dynamic breakthrough experiments suggest that our PCPs effectively achieve an inverse CO2/C2H2 separation at 298 K and 1 bar. Consequently, high-purity C2H2 (>99.5%) could be obtained from the CO2/C2H2 mixture through a simple one-step column purification. Combining crystallographic structural analyses, we found that the significant structural deformation differences after pillar-ligand substitution compared with capping ligand substitution can rationally control the gate-opening behavior. This simple design strategy allows for reasonable control of the gating behavior of porous materials.