Objective. To report the exceptional occurrence of ossifying fibromyxoid tumour (OFMT) as a primary bone lesion. OFMT is a rare soft tissue tumour of uncertain differentiation and variable malignant potential, that occurs in adults with a slight male predominance. It is typically located in the subcutis or in the skeletal muscles of the extremities, followed by trunk or head and neck. Methods. Two cases of OFMT proven to arise from bone are presented. The first is a 65-year old female with a history of rib “osteosarcoma”, presenting with an inferior lobe left lung mass. The second is a man with a lytic lesion of the 5th cervical vertebra that recurred shortly after resection. Following H&E and immunohistochemical examination, tumour samples were analysed by NGS and by break-apart FISH to detect rearrangement of the PHF1 and TFE3 genes. Results. PHF1 gene-rearrangement was identified by FISH on both the primary and the metastatic lesion of first patient. NGS identified a PHF1(intron1) and EPC1 (exon 10) fusion transcript later confirmed by positive PHF1 rearrangement on FISH in the second case. Conclusions. The demonstration of PHF1 gene rearrangements represents a fundamental ancillary diagnostic test when presented with challenging examples of OFMT.