With the growth of the global population and the acceleration of the aging process, the situation of blindness all over the world is increasingly severe. According to the latest data published by the Vision Loss Expert Group in 2017, there were an estimated 36 million blind people worldwide in 2015. The 66(th) World Health Assembly has endorsed the "Universal eye health: a global action plan 2014-2019" , which aims to reduce the prevalence of avoidable visual impairment by 25% by 2019 from the baseline of 2010. As a country with the largest number of blind people in the world, China has an arduous task of preventing and treating eye diseases.This review article summarizes and analyzes the relevant literature on the prevalence of blindness, the main blinding diseases and prevention measures in China, so as to provide reference materials for ophthalmologists to better carry out eye health work and reduce the number of blind people in China. (Chin J Ophthalmol, 2019, 55:625-628).随着世界人口增加和老龄化进程加快,全球盲情日益加重。根据2017年国际视觉损伤专家组公布的最新数据,截至2015年,世界范围内约有3 600万盲人。世界卫生组织发起《面向普遍的眼健康:2014—2019全球行动计划》,旨在2019年之前将可避免视觉损伤的患病率在2010年的基础上减少25%。中国作为世界上盲人数量较多国家之一,眼病防治任务艰巨。本文针对我国盲的患病率、主要致盲性疾病及防治措施,对相关文献进行总结和分析,以期为眼科医务工作者提供参考资料,更好地开展眼健康工作,减少我国盲人数量。(中华眼科杂志,2019,55:625-628).