To cast valid predictions of future behavior or diagnose disorders, the reliable measurement of a 9biomarker9 such as the brain activation to prospective reward is a prerequisite. Surprisingly, only a small fraction of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies report or cite the reliability of brain activation maps involved in group analyses. Here, using simulations and exemplary longitudinal data of 126 healthy adolescents performing an intertemporal choice task, we demonstrate that reproducing a group activation map over time is not a sufficient indication of reliable measurements at the individual level. Instead, selecting regions based on significant main effects at the group level may yield estimates that fail to reliably capture individual variance in the subjective evaluation of an offer. Collectively, our results call for more attention on the reliability of supposed biomarkers at the level of the individual. Thus, caution is warranted in employing brain activation patterns prematurely for clinical applications such as diagnosis or tailored interventions before their reliability has been conclusively established by large-scale studies. To facilitate assessing and reporting of the reliability of fMRI contrasts in future studies, we provide a toolbox that incorporates common measures of global and local reliability.