It has been unclear whether the risk factors for rotator cuff tears are the same at all ages or differ between young and older populations. In this study, we examined the risk factors for rotator cuff tears using classification and regression tree analysis as methods of nonlinear regression analysis. There were 65 patients in the rotator cuff tears group and 45 patients in the intact rotator cuff group. Classification and regression tree analysis was performed to predict rotator cuff tears. The target factor was rotator cuff tears; explanatory variables were age, sex, trauma, and critical shoulder angle≥35°. In the results of classification and regression tree analysis, the tree was divided at age 64. For patients aged≥64, the tree was divided at trauma. For patients aged<64, the tree was divided at critical shoulder angle≥35°. The odds ratio for critical shoulder angle≥35° was significant for all ages (5.89), and for patients aged<64 (10.3) while trauma was only a significant factor for patients aged≥64 (5.13). Age, trauma, and critical shoulder angle≥35° were related to rotator cuff tears in this study. However, these risk factors showed different trends according to age group, not a linear relationship.