Dielectric properties of (K1/3Pb2/3)(Zn2/9Nb7/9)O3 with perovskite type are investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 80 MHz. The dielectric constant measured at 1 kHz is 500 at –200°C, and reaches a peak of 3300 at –70°C. With an increase in frequency, the maximum of the dielectric constant is observed at a higher temperature. The dielectric anomaly is of a dispersion type, and the relaxation characteristics is analyzed by means of a Cole-Cole plot. The quadratic electro-optic g factors are measured in the temperature range from –100°C to room temperature. The values of g11-g12 and g44 are nearly constant in the entire temperature range, and are 0.030 m4/C2 and 0.036 m4/C2 respectively.