ABSTRACT Digital textbooks (DTs) have evolved from DT 1.0, which simply converted paper textbooks to PDF format, to DT 2.0, which provides various multimedia content, for example, video and audio content. DTs have now advanced to DT 3.0, which enhances learner engagement through gamification and simulations. Recently, with the advancement of cloud computing technology and digital devices, for example, tablets, DT 4.0, which supports personalised learning through artificial intelligence (AI) tutors and chatbots, has been realised. South Korea is actively implementing a policy to distribute artificial intelligence–based DTs, equivalent to DT 4.0, to all schools under national leadership. For artificial intelligence–based DTs (AIDTs) in South Korea to develop into a sustainable education system, reliance on cloud computing alone is insufficient. It is also necessary to build layers of fog computing and edge computing from the initial stage. There are concerns that AIDTs may exacerbate the learning gap because they are more likely to be utilised actively by high‐performing students with established self‐directed learning habits rather than struggling students. Thus, it is essential to enhance usage monitoring and explore strategies that provide educational scaffolding to prevent differences in the level of AIDT utilisation from leading to a widening learning gap.