The accumulation of phosphogypsum (PG) in the phosphorus chemical industry poses significant environmental challenges. Therefore, developing a harmless utilization method is crucial for alleviating these burdens and promoting sustainable industry practices. In this study, PG was used as a flotation inhibitor, enabling the flotation separation of apatite and dolomite based on the main components and dissolution behavior of PG. A microflotation study revealed that 0.875 g/L PG selectively inhibited dolomite when the sodium oleate (NaOL) concentration was 1.5 × 10-4 mol/L, reducing dolomite recovery 76% to 10% at pH in the range of 7-11. Conversely, apatite recovery remained above 90% at pH 7-9 and was only slightly inhibited at pH in the range of pH 9-11. When CaSO4·2H2O and CaHPO4·2H2O were added as flotation inhibitors, they also inhibited dolomite, though their effects were weaker than PG. Measurements of contact angles, zeta potentials, and adsorption capacities indicated that PG enhanced the hydrophilicity of dolomite, hindering NaOL adsorption thereon, while it had little effect on the floatability of apatite. Atomic force and scanning electron microscopy revealed selective PG was adsorbed on the dolomite surface, altering its properties, while PG was weakly adsorbed on the apatite surface and had minimal impact on its properties. The solution chemical composition and microthermal results showed that CaSO4 and CaHPO4 are the effective components of PG inhibition. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry confirmed that CaSO4 and CaHPO4 in PG were selectively adsorbed at Ca and Mg ion sites on the dolomite surface. Molecular dynamics simulations showed that CaSO4 interacts with the surface of dolomite, and CaHPO4 can promote the adsorption of CaSO4 on the surface of dolomite. Utilizing PG as a flotation inhibitor provides a novel approach for the environmentally safe use of PG resources.