The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has driven major advances in virus research. The role of glycans in viral infection has been revealed, with research demonstrating that terminal sialic acids are key receptors during viral attachment and infection into host cells. However, there is an urgent demand for universal tools to study the mechanism of sialic acids in viral infections, as well as to develop therapeutic agents against epidemic viruses through the downregulation of terminal sialic acid residues on glycans acting as a glyco-virus checkpoint to accelerate virus clearance. In this study, we developed a robust sialic acids blockade tool termed local and noninvasive glyco-virus checkpoint nanoblockades (LONG NBs), which blocked cell surface sialic acids by endogenously and continuously inhibiting the de novo sialic acids biosynthesis pathway. Furthermore, LONG NBs could accurately characterize the sialic acid-dependent profiles of multiple virus variants and protected the host against partial SARS-CoV-2, rotavirus, and influenza A virus infections after local and noninvasive administration. Our results suggest that LONG NBs represent a promising tool to facilitate in-depth research on the mechanism of viral infection, and serve as a broad-spectrum protectant against existing and emerging viral variants via glyco-virus checkpoint blockade.