This paper reconstructs the Proto-Naish open-syllable rhyme system. Data from 3 Naish languages—Lijiangba, Malimasa, and Yongning—are employed in the reconstruction. Rhyme correspondences revealed by comparing the three languages are interpreted by referring to conservative languages of the Sino-Tibetan family, in particular Tibetan, Burmese and rGyalrong. Other related languages, such as Tangut, and other Naic languages, such as Namuyi and Xumi, are taken as references. Five open-syllable rhymes, *-a, *-e, *-i, *-u, *-o, are reconstructed to Proto-Naish. Some general tendencies of the sound changes of the Naish languages are summarized, and their implications for the topical issue of the genetic position of the Naish languages are set out.