The goal of this research is threefold: provide a framework of the affordable housing ecosystem, understand non-recipients’ perceptions of affordable housing, and identify communication strategies to garner support for affordable housing. To do so, we reviewed the literature, identifying key participants in the affordable housing ecosystem. Next, we conducted focus groups which revealed six themes comprising consumers’ perceptions of affordable housing: (1) the right to housing, (2) negative connotations of affordable housing, (3) benefits of affordable housing, (4) nuances of affordable housing, (5) the link to education, and (6) challenges due to a lack of affordable housing. These themes suggest that, consistent with past research, negative connotations about affordable housing exist. Importantly, positive associations also arose as participants discussed housing as a right, expressed a desire for more affordable housing, and associated access to housing with facilitating educational attainment, diversity, and a stronger sense of community. Finally, participants noted the critical role of multiple stakeholders in the affordable housing ecosystem to not only create but also ensure the viability of maintaining affordable housing. Drawing on these themes, we then propose broad messaging recommendations as well as potential messaging strategies to garner consumer support for affordable housing.