Experimental study on frost heave characteristics and micro-mechanism of fine-grained soil under dynamic load for heavy-haul railway subgrades in seasonally frozen regions
In seasonally frozen regions, there is frequent uneven frost heave of heavy haul railway subgrades, which reduces the smoothness of the track and affects the operational safety of trains. To clarify the frost heave characteristics and micro-mechanism of subgrade filling under the action of unidirectional freezing and dynamic loading, unidirectional freezing tests were performed on a fine-grained subgrade filling under open conditions, and the frost heave characteristics under different initial water contents and dynamic loads were analyzed. The particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was applied to analyze the development of local deformation at different locations in the samples. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) were performed on the samples before and after freezing to reveal the development mechanism of the microstructure. The test results showed that with the increase in the initial water content and load amplitude, the frost heave increased, while the water replenishment and frost depth decreased. Combined with the PIV results, it was found that the soil in the frozen and unfrozen areas exhibited frost heave and compressive deformation, respectively, during the freezing process, further revealing the local deformation law of the soil. The samples mainly contained small pores and micropores before freezing and small pores and medium pores after freezing, indicating that the effect of freezing and swelling had the greatest influence on the small and medium pores inside the soil. The higher the initial water content, the higher the porosity of the sample after freezing; with the increase in the load amplitude, the porosity of the frozen samples decreased. The negative temperature effect of the change in phase from water to ice drove the particle movement, thereby increasing the inter-particle pore space, leading to a macroscopic frost heave deformation of the soil samples. Our results can serve as a basis in the maintenance and safety of railway subgrades in cold regions.