Powder deposition and accumulation on walls of spray drying chamber has been known to impact spray drying processes, resulting in lower yield, frequent shutdowns, and downtimes. Critical factors that impact the extent and rate of wall deposition have been studied extensively in the chemical and food industry. In this paper, we present an atypical process yield issue wherein acceptable yield is obtained during the first batch of spray drying but undergoes significant yield loss in consecutive batches. Through understanding the interplay of the process, material properties, and equipment, we identify key mechanisms that are playing a role in causing the process yield issue. These mechanisms include surface roughness of the inner wall of the spray dryer, variation in gas flow due to the introduction of process analytical technology, start-up and shutdown operating parameters that expose the wall deposited powder from the prior batch to temperatures close to the onset of glass transition temperature and cause depression of its glass transition temperature. These factors result in more wall accumulation and impact the yield in subsequent batches. By correcting for most of these factors, the yield reduction issue was mitigated, and processing efficiency was improved.