The engagement of target-interceptor is an extremely complicated and nonlinear problem. Most literatures of developed guidance algorithms are hard to work in real-time missile guidance systems because of the complicated design of controllers, restriction in specific condition or excess computing loading. In this paper, the proposed guidance algorithm computes the predicted interception point of target-interceptor and applies particle swarm optimization to optimize the lateral acceleration control commands of missile where the definition of fitness function can guide the missile toward the predicted interception point when the computed fitness value is the minimum. According to the results of simulation experiments, the proposed method has the satisfied target-kill performance to the superior aircraft with high agility. The missile can greatly revise the flight route toward the computed collision course at the initial pursuit stage and the course curve of missile is flatter than the other two guidance laws. Besides, the proposed method can reduce the occurrence of big lateral acceleration control commands acting on the missile to avoid unlocking the evasive target at the terminal stage. As a result, the proposed guidance algorithm based on particle swarm optimization is very effective without using the complicated nonlinear control methods and excess storage burden of computer. It is a simple and feasible missile guidance algorithm due to the advantages of simplicity and effectiveness just like the proportional navigation guidance law but the performance of proposed guidance algorithm is better than proportional navigation guidance law and the other guidance algorithm designed by particle swarm optimization.