• Processes are initiated by rapid mixing or inverse temperature jumps within 1 ms. • Intermediates states are trapped by rapid freezing after variable evolution times. • Solid state NMR measurements reveal structural properties of intermediate states. • As an example, a two-step mechanism for calmodulin complex formation is discovered. We review recent efforts to develop and apply an experimental approach to the structural characterization of transient intermediate states in biomolecular processes that involve large changes in molecular conformation or assembly state. This approach depends on solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) measurements that are performed at very low temperatures, typically 25-30 K, with signal enhancements from dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). This approach also involves novel technology for initiating the process of interest, either by rapid mixing of two solutions or by a rapid inverse temperature jump, and for rapid freezing to trap intermediate states. Initiation by rapid mixing or an inverse temperature jump can be accomplished in approximately one millisecond. Freezing can be accomplished in approximately 100 microseconds. Thus, millisecond time resolution can be achieved. Recent applications to the process by which the biologically essential calcium sensor protein calmodulin forms a complex with one of its target proteins and the process by which the bee venom peptide melittin converts from an unstructured monomeric state to a helical, tetrameric state after a rapid change in pH or temperature are described briefly. Future applications of millisecond time-resolved ssNMR are also discussed briefly.