Antibiofilm Activity of LL-37 Peptide and D-Amino Acids Associated with Antibiotics Used in Regenerative Endodontics on an Ex Vivo Multispecies Biofilm Model
Ana Cláudia Costa Pereira,Alana P. S. Aguiar,Leticia M. P. Araujo,Larissa Dantas Estevam,Márcia Pinto Alves Mayer,Lamprini Karygianni,Thomas Thurnheer,Ericka T. Pinheiro
The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and D-amino acids (D-AAs) have been proposed as antibiofilm agents. Therefore, this study aimed to test the antimicrobial effect of antibiofilm agents associated with antibiotics used in regenerative endodontic procedures (the triple antibiotic paste—TAP: ciprofloxacin + metronidazole + minocycline). An endodontic-like biofilm model grown on bovine dentin discs was used in this study. After 21-day growth, the biofilms were treated with 1 mg/mL TAP, 10 μM LL-37, an association of LL-37 + TAP, 40 mM D-AAs solution, an association of D-AAs + TAP, and phosphate-buffered saline (negative control). Colony forming unit (CFU) data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison test (p < 0.05). LL-37 + TAP showed the best antibacterial activity (7-log10 CFU/mL ± 0.5), reaching a 1 log reduction of cells in relation to the negative control (8-log10 CFU/mL ± 0.7) (p < 0.05). In turn, no significant reduction in bacterial cells was observed with TAP, LL-37, D-AAs, and D-AAs + TAP compared to the negative control. In conclusion, the combination of antibiotics and LL-37 peptide showed mild antibacterial activity, while the combination of antibiotics and D-AAs showed no activity against complex biofilms.