Herein, the protective pattern of chitosan coating enriched with green tea extract on texture stabilization of refrigerated grass carp fillets was explored. In general, higher shear force and lower endogenous enzyme activities were observed in coated fillets, with the max. level of cathepsins and calpain decreasing by 30.2 ∼ 39.6 % when compared to the control during storage. Meanwhile, the coating reduced protein composition changes and accumulation of protein degradation products. According to label-free proteomic analysis, the proteome closer to fresh sample was observed in coated fillets than that of the control, as supported by PCA and hierarchical cluster analysis. Meanwhile, 33 differential proteins involved in tissue structure, protein phosphorylation and protein turnover were further screened out, and most DAPs showed up-regulation in coated fillets compared to the control on day 12. Presumably, the coating modulated endogenous enzyme-induced myofibrillar protein degradation and protein phosphorylation level, thereby stabilizing the texture properties of refrigerated fillets.