Whole-grain cereals are important components of a healthy diet. It reduces the risk of many deadly diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, etc. Brown rice is an example of whole grain food, which is highly nutritious due to the presence of various bioactive compounds (flavonoids, phenolics, vitamins, phytosterols, oils, etc.) associated with the rice bran layer of brown rice. White rice is devoid of the nutritious rice bran layer and thus lacks the bioactive compounds which are the major attractants of brown rice. Therefore, to confer health benefits to the public at large, the nutrigenomic potential of white rice may be improved by integrating the phytochemicals associated with the rice bran layer of brown rice into it via biofortification processes like conventional breeding, agronomic practices, metabolic engineering, CRISPR/Cas9 technology, and RNAi techniques. Thus, this review article focuses on improving the nutritional qualities of white/polished rice through biofortification processes, utilizing new breeding technologies (NBTs).